15 Exterior Home Remodeling And Renovation Ideas

15 Exterior Home Remodeling And Renovation Ideas

Americans spend an average of $51,505 on home renovation projects. While remodeling your whole home is an exciting prospect, sometimes undertaking such a big project isn’t the right choice or in your budget.

Remodeling your home exterior is a smart way to improve curb appeal and up resale value if you ever decide to sell. Today’s Homeowner found that on average, remodeling projects have a 69% return on investment (ROI). If you want to maximize that ROI, stick to exterior projects — they found the average cost recovered for exterior projects was 23% higher than interior ones.

In this post, we’re taking a look at some of the best exterior home remodeling and outdoor home renovation ideas to help you get the most out of your remodeling budget.

This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your permitted authority or regulatory body before undertaking any remodeling project.

15 exterior home remodeling and outdoor renovation ideas

Try out some of these outdoor renovations to help boost your home’s curb appeal and get it looking great from the outside in.

1. New paint

Painting the exterior of your home is an easy and effective way to spruce up its look. If your paint is dull, dingy, or peeling, it’s time for a fresh coat. Changing your paint color is also a fast and easy option to update the look of your home. You’ll want to make sure your paint color choice complements the style of your home. And if you’re planning to sell your house, we recommend choosing a neutral color over a brighter option.

If you’re not planning to sell and just want a new look, keep things interesting by selecting a trending exterior home color.

 Choosing a contrasting trim color is a simple but striking exterior home remodeling idea.

2. Pop your trim

Another inexpensive home remodeling idea is to make your trim pop by choosing a different color than your house’s walls. This adds contrast and accents your windows and roofline.

A huge trend is to choose bold trim color instead of natural. If your home is a neutral white or beige, you may want to pop your neutral with a bold black, blue, green, or brown trim.

3. Replace your doors

Doors can take a beating from weather, sun, and use. By replacing your doors, you’ll give your home a modern facelift that immediately improves the curb appeal of your home.

You should choose doors that reflect the style of the home but also your family’s personality. A classical or craftsman-style door communicates traditional values, while a more modern one shows a more artistic or eclectic personality.

Re-shingling your roof is an easy outdoor renovation idea.

4. Re-shingle your roof

If your home is older, re-shingling your roof is another way to upgrade your home’s exterior. Not only will it add resale value, but it can also update the look of your home if you choose a more modern shingle like metal shingles, architectural shingles, or concrete.

If you care about the environment and sustainability, you may want to opt for solar panel shingles. These shingles can protect you from the elements, power your home, and give back to the grid.

5. Add texture

If your house is made of one main type of material, you could add some texture to your home by adding one or more of the following:

  • Stone

  • Brick

  • Cedar shingles

  • Stucco

  • Metal

Use these different exterior materials to create an accent wall, plant beds, or other exterior accents. By adding different textures, you can create depth and interest, which updates the look of your home and creates more curb appeal.

Adding different textures to your home is a great outdoor renovation idea.

6. Replace windows and shutters

Replacing windows and shutters can dramatically update and upgrade the look of your home. Many homes have fixed or non-functional shutters that cheapen the look of your home. Replacing the shutters with more stylish, modern ones can increase your home's value.

Windows degrade over time and need replacing, especially where the sun bakes them. By replacing and enlarging your windows, you create more light in your home and modernize the look of your home too.

7. Add more exterior lighting

Adding strategic exterior lighting can make your home more visually appealing at night. It can accent features and make it easier to navigate your walkways at night. You can add sconces, door lights, path lights, or discreet lights. Be careful not to overdo it, though. Too many lights can be distracting and unattractive.

Updating your garage doors is an exterior home remodeling idea with a high return on investment.

8. Update your garage doors

Replacing your garage doors with more stylish designs can really update your home's look. It can also improve your home’s energy efficiency. Plus, according to Today’s Homeowner, garage door replacements have a 100% return on investment, so updating them is always a good bet.

Popular decorative garage door styles include:

  • Carved doors

  • Contemporary

  • Barn

  • Carriage style doors

A new garage door can cost between $850 and $5,500, with an average cost of $1,200. Garage doors can last for about 30 years with proper maintenance, so if a full replacement isn’t in your budget, try refreshing or repairing your existing doors. 

9. Upgrade your landscaping

One of the best ways to increase your home’s curb appeal is to upgrade the landscaping. Adding shrubbery, trees, and plants is a great way to add color, texture, and interest to your home. You’ll also want to clean up any plants or trees that have gotten overgrown.

Here are a few trending landscaping ideas to increase your property’s appeal:

  • Utilize drought-tolerant plants

  • Add low-carbon landscaping

  • Create an immersive garden

  • Incorporate recycled and reclaimed materials for your gardens

  • Add wildlife-friendly shrubs and plants

Building a fence in your yard is an easy exterior home remodeling project.

10. Fence your yard

Fencing your yard is an excellent way to protect family and pets while also defining the boundaries of your property. Fences come in a wide variety of materials, shapes, and styles so you should be able to find one that matches your house’s style.

You may need to check with your homeowner’s association before you install a new fence because the HOA may dictate what style and height of fence you can install.

You may also need a site plan of your property to determine the best location for your fence and ensure it doesn’t infringe on your neighbor’s property line.

11. Create an inviting outdoor space

Creating an inviting outdoor space can transform your yard into an escape. You can do this by building a patio, fire pit, outdoor kitchen, or lounge area. Better Homes and Gardens recommends these tips for creating an outdoor oasis to improve the value of your home:

  • Mix colors and textures

  • Add plants

  • Install ambient lighting

  • Create areas of shade

  • Add an outdoor kitchen and eating area

  • Ensure the space is private

  • Buy comfortable and durable furniture

  • Add outdoor structures like a trellis, pergola, or arbor

  • Install a hot tub or spa

  • Build a fire pit or fireplace

Creating an outdoor living space is a great outdoor renovation idea to add curb appeal.

12. Add or enlarge your porch

Porches are great, welcoming spaces that can also serve as outdoor living areas. By adding a porch or enlarging your existing porch, you can create an inviting area to enjoy the neighborhood and a versatile space for entertaining.

If you choose to expand or add a porch, you may need a site plan to ensure precise measurements and design.

13. Upgrade your driveway and walkways

The style and functionality of your driveways and walkways can significantly increase your home's curb appeal. A big trend for driveways and walkways is to use permeable pavers, stamped concrete, or bricks to add some decorative interest to your home’s exterior.

You can change up the look of your walkways by changing the material or adding curves to create more interest. Don’t forget to add accent lights to illuminate pathways and increase safety at night.

Adding exterior accent walls is a simple but effective outdoor home renovation idea.

14. Add an exterior accent wall

Another great exterior home remodeling idea is adding exterior accent walls to your house. Try mixing materials to create a visual contrast with the rest of your house.

Popular exterior accent wall materials include:

  • Horizontal lap siding

  • Board-and-batten siding

  • Decorative trim

  • Corrugated metal

  • Panels

  • Shingles

You can mix and match these materials to highlight different exterior features like eaves, towers, or upper stories. If your budget won’t allow re-cladding an entire section of exterior wall, consider using paint to create colorful accents instead.

No matter what you choose, remember to keep an editing eye — accent walls only work when they’re used sparingly.

15. Replace the siding

If your siding looks weathered or cracked, you’ll want to replace your sooner rather than later. Replacing siding is one of the most significant and cost-effective outdoor renovation ideas to improve your home’s value.

Plus, by replacing your siding you are improving your home’s exterior structure and you can expect to get a 91% return on your investment when you sell your house.

Prepare for your exterior home remodeling projects with My Site Plan

Hopefully, we’ve given you a few new ideas to help refresh the look of your home and your outdoor spaces. If you’re planning projects like updating your porch, building a new fence, or resurfacing your driveway, it’s important to know the details of your property before you get started. That’s where a site plan comes in handy. My Site Plan can help you create a site plan for your property in as little as 24 hours so you can get started right away.

Ready to get to work updating the exterior of your house? Get in touch with My Site Plan to see how we can help.

Exterior home remodeling FAQs

What exterior home remodeling improvements add the most value?

Some exterior home remodeling improvements add more value than others to the resale of your home. Here are the top exterior home improvements you can do to increase your home’s resale value:

  • Roof replacement

  • Lawn care program

  • Garage door upgrade

  • Installing higher-quality siding

  • Replace windows

  • Add a deck or patio

Minus the windows and roofing, most of these renovations are relatively cost-effective with a strong return on investment.

How do you modernize the exterior of an older house?

For older homes, there are a few key exterior renovations that can modernize the look of the home:

  • Add accents or molding to the entry door and other house exteriors.

  • Build stone columns to the existing porch beams.

  • Reconstruct pathways with more exciting curves and lines.

  • Add more lighting to the home and walkways.

  • Change the proportions of the home exterior by adding on more living space, a garage , vaulted ceilings, or a second story.

For more significant changes to the home’s structure, you’ll need to submit your plans for approval from the local planning commission.

How can I update the exterior of my house cheaply?

There are a few inexpensive exterior home remodeling projects that can improve the value and look of your home without breaking the bank:

  • Replace any exteriors with rotting wood: You want to replace any trim, doors, windows, or siding that are in bad shape.

  • Add and upgrade your exterior lighting: Adding more lighting is a very affordable way to modernize and highlight your home’s best features.

  • Power washing your exterior: A good power wash removes any decay and dirt that has accumulated in your home. You can refresh the look of your exterior using a pressure wash for about $200-$500.

  • Paint or stain your exterior door: Your front door creates the first impression of your home. A fresh coat of paint or stain creates a crisp focal point that only costs about $30-$100.

  • Update your hardware and fixtures: Replacing your hardware and fixtures with matching materials and styles creates a cohesive, sophisticated design. Make your hardware fit the aesthetic of your home.

  • Improve your landscaping: Another inexpensive way to improve your curb appeal is to ensure your yard is well-maintained and has a variety of vegetation.

Paint your house exterior or trim: While exterior paint can range in price from $5,000-$12,000 depending on the size of your home, fresh paint gives your home a facelift. If you can’t paint the whole house, try just painting the trim to add a pop of color.

Is exterior home remodeling and renovation worth the cost?

Most exterior home remodeling or renovations increase your home's value and curb appeal. This is why you won’t regret undertaking that next project. Hopefully, we have given you some solid ideas for improving your home.

Want to learn more about remodeling? Read all about the steps of renovating a house.

What are the best color choices for exterior paint to boost resale value?

Neutral colors such as shades of white, gray, or beige are generally considered the best choices for exterior paint to boost resale value as they appeal to the widest range of potential buyers.

How do I choose the right material for replacing my siding to ensure durability and curb appeal?

Choose siding materials that balance durability, maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. Vinyl and fiber cement are popular for their longevity and minimal upkeep. Consult with a professional to match the material to your home's architectural style and climate conditions.

How can exterior accents improve my home’s marketability?

Adding exterior accents such as trim, decorative shutters, or updated siding can significantly improve your home's curb appeal and marketability by modernizing its appearance and making it stand out in the real estate market.

This post was originally published on 2022-12-20 by Ryan Crownholm. It was updated on 2024-06-19 to reflect the most recent data.

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  • Ryan Crownholm